POA Meeting
February15th - 10am​
Current Office Hours:​
Monday, and Friday 11am - 3pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm​
The GY POA is actively looking for lifeguards for the 2025 season. We will get you certified! Contact the office @ 814-687-4220. Starting wage is $10 an hour and $11 after 30 days based on performance.
2025 POA Dues are posted under POA Information
Please note your lot # on your check
Adult Recreation Committee
Head: Susan Horner
As of the end of the year 2018, Susan Horner will be retiring from the position of the Chairman/Head of the Adult Recreation Committee.
What does this mean? If we don't get a replacement(s) then there will be no GYR Sponsored activities for adults next year.
This position has quite a bit of responsibility, and Susan did a WONDERFUL job, and if one or multiple people would like to chair this Committee, just let the office know ASAP.
PLEASE HELP! Out of all the residents who repeatedly attend these events, there have to be a few that could help!
Facebook: Glendale Yearound Adult Rec Committee